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Why Are my Knees Sore?


Sore knees can be caused by a number of things:

  • Arthritis
  • Ligament injury
  • Overuse
  • Meniscus tears
  • Cartilage damage
  • Tendinitis
Sore knees have many causes

    Whatever the cause of your knee pain, an Active650 Knee Support can help to relieve the pain and get you back up and running.

    The Nation's most comfortable knee support will give you pain relief, comfort, stability and confidence in your joint.

    By returning to activity you'll be able to strengthen the muscles that surround your knee joint, increasing the speed of recovery or decreasing the rate of degeneration.

    Best customer reviews for Active650 Knee Support

    Pain relief for sore knees from Active650

    Best knee brace ever customer review for Active650 Knee Support

    The Active650 Difference

    Unique fabric with superior stretch
    Unrivalled comfort
    Allows full range of movement
    Will not slip

    Pain Relief and Comfort is now Available

    Customer reviews for the Knee Support from Active650

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