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Thumb Joint Pain

Pain Relief for Your Thumb

Pain relief for osteoarthritis suffers or injury prevention for those at risk from Repetitive Strain Injury

The Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint is where the thumb attaches to the bones of the wrist.  It is used predominantly when pinching or gripping so issues with the joint can severely affect hand function.

The two main issues affecting the CMC joint are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Overuse from repetitive movements

Osteoarthritis of the CMC joint is up to 20 times more common in women than men.

How can Active650 Thumb Supports help?

The Active650 Thumb Supports cushion the joint and help to protect against the stresses that aggravate and irritate the pain inside the joint. They provide comfort and warmth and help increase thumb mobility and reduce stiffness.

The lightweight, super-comfortable fabric means that you can wear the Active650 Thumb Supports for long periods, without compromising your muscle strength.

Active650 Thumb Support for thumb joint pain
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